
Frontmatter in markdown

Use yaml format at the beginning of your md file.

title: Some title
description: some description

Frontmatter in svelte

Export a const variable name as frontmatter in

Svelte context module
would do

<script context="module">
  export const frontmatter = {
    title: 'Some title',
    description: 'Some description'

Accessing frontmatter in markdown

Use fm variable:

Frontmatter of this page is:

  "pageType": "md",
  "lastUpdate": "2024/02/27 09:39:25",
  "title": "Frontmatter",
  "anchors": [
      "slugId": "Frontmatter-in-markdown",
      "title": "Frontmatter in markdown",
      "depth": 2
      "slugId": "Frontmatter-in-svelte",
      "title": "Frontmatter in svelte",
      "depth": 2
      "slugId": "Accessing-frontmatter-in-markdown",
      "title": "Accessing frontmatter in markdown",
      "depth": 2
      "slugId": "Site-frontmatter",
      "title": "Site frontmatter",
      "depth": 2
Frontmatter of this page is: 
{JSON.stringify(fm, null, 2)}
Click fold/expand code

Site frontmatter

The global shared frontmatter for every file

interface SiteConfig {
  ?: string
  ?: string
Last update at: 2024/02/27 09:39:25